Nuove regole ELV . la RFU dice no per i giovani

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Nuove regole ELV . la RFU dice no per i giovani

Messaggio da GiorgioXT » 4 giu 2008, 0:26

Presa da Planet Rugby :
From planet-rugby:-

The Rugby Football Union (RFU) has ruled two of the most controversial new experimental laws will not be trialled by youth rugby in England on safety grounds.

The RFU's management board has approved a proposal that collapsing the maul will not be permitted in England at U19 level and below.

The experimental rule stipulating a player's shoulders must not be lower than the hips at the maul will also not be applied.

The RFU's move is a significant challenge to the International Rugby Board's attempts to push through a raft of new experimental laws into the game.

The RFU will not reconsider their stance until both new laws are "demonstrated to be safe in the adult game" and three other chief criteria are met.

Junior rugby has been up in arms since the IRB announced these two experimental laws would form part of a limited package being applied to the world game for a year from August 1.

"We have received a large number of letters from the youth game expressing serious concerns over the introduction of some of the ELVs [Experimental Law Variations] in the youth game," said RFU Chief Executive Francis Baron.

"It is established practice that unions can apply variations to the laws at youth level and many unions exercise their rights in this respect.

"The RFU intends to exercise its rights in respect of the ELVs of concern to us and the game in England following discussion with the IRB and other affected unions."

Those discussions will cover the issue of any cross-border competition where other unions have decided to trial the new laws at age-grade level.

But the RFU are not in a mood to compromise.

"The interests of young players and the safety concerns expressed by the game will take precedence," Baron added.

The RFU will hold their position until the results of trials currently taking place in South Africa have been "properly analysed by the IRB, with specific reference to the safety of pulling down the maul at all rugby played at U19 and below".

Even then, the RFU insist the introduction of the laws will not be immediate.
They state agreement must be reached on the safest method to pull down the maul and appropriate coaching techniques developed.

And they want to ensure sufficient time to ensure those findings are communicated to all those involved in rugby at U19 level and below.
In pratica la federazione inglese NON applicherà per il settore giovanile le nuove noreme che permettono l'abbattimento delle maul e la posizione del busto inferiore alle anche ...
Decisione secondo me sacrosanta, che dovrebbe essere sostenuta anche dalla FIR

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Iscritto il: 11 nov 2004, 0:00
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Re: Nuove regole ELV . la RFU dice no per i giovani

Messaggio da Cicca » 8 giu 2008, 23:47

Aprire un topic che non desta l'interesse che ci si aspetta, non deve autorizzare ad aprirlo, identico, in altra sezione.
Piuttosto, si contatta un moderatore, e si chiede di spostarlo.
